Carried out for a specified period not exceeding one year, tourism is taken advantage of for purposes having to do with entertainment and even for other reasons not inherent to the exercise of a paid activity at the place visited.
Who do we call a tourist?
Anyone traveling for entertainment, sports, family reasons, romance, and spending the night in an environment outside of their daily surroundings can be called a tourist. There are several reasons why tourists travel to another destination. Some of them are sources of curiosity about the culture of the foreign country, its population, its places of interest, its architecture and the special events that are observed in that country. The desire to meet new people and to explore other environmental areas can make many people want to travel to other countries.
In addition to allowing one to focus on oneself, tourism allows one to have an opening to the unknown. Spending good times with others is a privileged way that is often ignored in daily city life. Tourism is the best school to deepen, to know, and to return home relieved and grown. A knowledge of travel meaning is revealed by the desire to be more than a passing traveler, but also to be an actor of his stay.
The different types of tourism
We distinguish several varieties of tourism. Thus, we can cite the transport which gathers water, land, air, train, cruises as well as space travel. We also have the accommodation sector which translates into various hospitality services including independent establishments, farms, villas and even budget hotels. In addition, there are the connected industries that are directly or indirectly related to the tourism and travel sector.
Also, we have the tourism related to entertainment. This field takes into account the establishment of numerous entertainments such as theaters, cinemas and the opening of various game rooms. Finally, food and beverages are an important part of every traveler’s experience. The food and beverage industry provides tourists with the opportunity to experience the local cuisine and socialize with the locals at the same time.
The tourism industry is growing today due to its multiple benefits and the different elements it carries.

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